How to ask about someone’s personal information

This lesson will help you ask questions like the ones below to get someone’s personal information in Spanish. A: Good morning. What’s your first name?B: My first name is Manuela.A: What’s your last name?B: My last name is Huaman.A: What’s your phone number?B: My phone number is 986-732-145.A: What’s your email address?B: My email addressSigue leyendo «How to ask about someone’s personal information»

How to introduce yourself

Learn how to introduce yourself. Ask someone where he is from using questions like the following in Spanish: A: Hi. What’s your name?B: My name is Antonio.A: Where are you from?B:I am from Peru.A: Where in Peru are you from?B: I am from the city of Lima.A: What’s the capital city of your country?B: LimaSigue leyendo «How to introduce yourself»

How to ask about someone’s occupation

You will learn here how to ask and answer questions like the following in Spanish: A: Hi. My name is Pedro. What’s your name? B: My name is Pablo. A: Are you from here? B: No, I’m not. I’m from Quito, Ecuador. A: Are you a student in the area? B: No, I am not.Sigue leyendo «How to ask about someone’s occupation»

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